Saturday Rant - 25/1/20
I’ve realized that when some people have seen the same thing for a long time and have kept themselves away or have been kept away from outside ideas they think that everything is how it is, how it should be. But when you come in and point out the things that are wrong or the things that can be improved they are apprehensive because they haven’t seen it any different. We must expose people to every way of thought to make the most efficient and open-minded society.
Theoretical example: A faucet is leaking and has been for years. You come in and point it out to a person who has been living with it for all that time. They might say, ‘it’s broken, that’s how it is, it can’t be fixed.’ You, having some knowledge in plumbing, fix it right away. They save on money, their faucet lasts longer, the pressure is better, etc. They come to the realization or you prod them to come to the realization that if that can be fixed then what else have they been overlooking. Can they improve other things in their life? Not just tangible goods? Maybe their mental state, relationships, thought processes, etc.
Some people are very apprehensive or scared of change and don’t see the value of stepping out of their own little bubble. They might be happy and comfortable the rest of their lives continuing on with the way things are but at the expense of everyone else around them. Now, what that expense is could be minute or it could massive. It depends on how you look at it. Then, there are people that do not give a fuck about anyone else but themselves. I think it is important to ourselves and to others to step out of our comfort zone and learn about a belief different than our own. Then to pass this knowledge on to someone else is invaluable. The main takeaway being spreading positivity and the greater good for the whole. I think that if we just do one thing every day that doesn’t directly benefit ourselves and will make someone else’s moment, day, year, life better. Then everyone wins. Maybe it makes that difference or maybe it doesn’t but you and they are no worse off for having tried.