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Pitter Patter

I shut the door abruptly trying to keep all of the wet, the cold, and the darkness outside and out of mind. My hands and face were numb from the 30-minute cycle home from work. But, the effort was worth it to now be back in a warm home. I was absolutely done with the day and I didn’t want to exude any further strenuous activity.

I dropped my bike and bag at the front door and sauntered upstairs and B-lined it to my room. I proceeded to take off every piece of clothing soaked with the day’s work sweats and freezing rain. I stood there naked and content before I reached for the dry clothes that I knew would make me feel even better. First, I slipped on my underwear that immediately made me feel a sense of newness and power. Then, I pulled up sweat pants leg by leg that brought back memories of my youth and comfort as a child. Finally, I put on an extra-soft cotton shirt that gave me visions of lavender and thus began the chemical process in my brain of rest and relaxation. Melatonin was starting to flow through my brain.

I lifted up the covers to my bed and slid my legs down under to cover my toes. It was so much warmer compared to the surrounding room temperature. It was pouring rain outside and extremely windy but I was now snuggled up toasty and warm. I focused my listening to the rough sounds just outside the window. The whistle of the wind as it forced itself through ever crevice surrounding the house. The gentle rainfall and then a short burst of droplets bashing against the window every half minute or so. I was thinking of all of the people still stuck out there right at the moment and how miserable they must be. I felt great, but also a little guilty about the fact. I quickly forgot and thought deeply about the rain and the wind and the comfort it was causing as I slowly drifted to sleep.