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I'll Take That!

“Make them give you the thing that you want to take,” is what I heard from a podcast I was listening to on a run the other day. I wish I could give credit where credit is due but I can’t seem to remember which podcast it came from… Though this statement might seem harsh I think it is our subliminal reality on the way we get what we want from others. Well, maybe not everyone. Most salespeople and charmers anyways.

A young child can persuade with sadness or guilt, an attractive woman with her beauty, and through sympathy for an elderly or sickly person. These can be unconscious instances or fueled by ulterior motives. In both instances it is the recipe for getting what you desire. I think it is something that, once recognized and put into practice, can open a lot of doors in business and relationships. I have not mastered either so who knows if my theory works. What I do know is that I am going to test my theory out as any good amateur scientist would do.